Monday, June 27

A murder of crows

This morning the murder woke me, having a conversation sitting on the telephone lines accross from my window. They were as loud as the frat kids at a game of bball in the alley.

It was 6am.

Hey brother crow -- I'm thinkin -- good morning to you too, could you keep it down out there?

It started to sound like an argument when a third and a fourth voice joined in. Soon they were all chatting it up about god only knows what in raucous voices. I was wishing for my pea shooter.

Shit, I roll over and try to cram the pillow into my ears enough to close my eyes for ten more minutes my cell phone turned alarm clock goes off. Hit snooze button, call out to crows to be quiet and continue to cram pillow around head. Crows are loud. Their voices pierce pillowcases, fiber down imitation fill and fleece blankets.

Brother crows, please! I'm trying to get some fucking sleep!

Damnit. I'm up now. Toss off blankets and remember I promised to join Amy for yoga at 6:30. I peak out the window at the two crows still sitting on the line, the rest of the party has since dispersed.

Thanks, I needed to get up anyway.

It was nice to look bright eyed and bushy tailed when Amy peaked into my room to make sure I was still coming down.

Yuppers! I'm up with the crack of dawn and ready for action (thanks Bro crow)

Downstairs is cool and quiet. Glad I wore a thermal under my tee and a sweatshirt for warmup. We are joined by two other Clarionites. Furniture is moved, space is made, Enya is cued on my new cost-co stereo. We work out who is tense where, what warmups we need, where everybody's practice is at and get crackin.

Sun Salutations
Half Moon
(We are writers. Backs, shoulders and necks are an issue)

Some look relieved when we get to the floor postures. I leave out most of the standing series and triangle/warrior poses, no point making people run screaming from the room on the first day.

Reclining Spinal twist
Half Locust
Wind Removing

I am sure this is no routine I've ever seen, but I'm going with it. Checking in on everybody, seeing what people need. Dialogue comes too easy for me, I'm hoping I'm not boring or irritating everyone with posture talk. This is fun.

child's pose
Seated Forehead to knee (three variations)
"Final Spinal" Twist
Khalabhati (sp?) breathing
Final savasana...ahhhh

For some, relaxation. Amy does more stretching. I throw in a headstand against the wall, careful not to put my feet through the window. Blood rushes to my head and my toes tingle. I feel my being alive this morning. Not just in my head. In my whole body. Must try to do this again tomorrow.

Breakfast and chatting, brief shower then on to crits. Andy D is a great teacher and funny as hell but crits go long. I am hungry and sleepy when we finally break. Three more stories to read today and I feel giddy to get to them. I have one to write too, bubbling up in the back of my head trying to tell me something about itself.

Last night mom and I touched bases about the computer and she read me a quote:

"Good novels are written by people who are not frightened" George Orwell

I am thinking about this today. Forget novels George, good writing period. I think how often I have said to people:

"Sometimes I write about the future because I am afraid of what is happening today."

That's what makes Strange so wonderful for me. Its the first story I've written in a while without it being based on a fear I have, a concern deep in me. Sure there are places for those stories. But I must also remember to write the joy and the things that make me happy, excited and eager to see every new day.

Its afternoon. The frat boys and visiting girls are finally up, getting in their cars across the alley, turning up the music and heading off to lunch and the grey day outside.

Incubus is on the stereo now, Morning View -- which is older stuff, but makes me feel mellow with the right amount of hard guitar and bass. It also has my favorite Inc song, "Wish you were here," which I think of often when I feel homesick. In some ways its not the home and the place that I'm missing. Its the presence of those I love and the opportunity to share the experiences.

Of course, some things, one must experience "alone" and that's the part that feels achy and lonely and free all at once. I am so grateful to be here, RIGHT NOW.

Thanks for the wakeup call, Brother Crow.

(I'm going to try to revise the opening to Strange this week and post it here so you can see what I'm working on while I'm among these cool folks -- I have another story due on Thursday so we'll see if I can get to it before then. Otherwise be sure to check back in on Friday. I should have it up by Friday for sure. Love to you all, thanks for the thoughts, comments and support --E)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Eddie - I've got some earplugs if you want a pair. They've kept me from going out and beating up the frat boys playing bball at 2 am and shouting "whoo". So far, at least.

6/28/2005 10:01 PM  

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