Thursday, November 3

Halloween Fun

Okay so I cheated a bit...I know I said I was gonna try for Zoe this Halloween but I have to say that after seeing Serenity I had a hard sell with convincing T to go as Wash. I believe his exact words were "Do I have to have the pole sticking out of my chest?"

So we decided to go as Storm and Wolverine (you should see the chops this guy grew!) SO I unpacked my wig only to find it getting a bit moldy and smelling way too funny to walk around all night in.

Tearing out my hair I finally came up with this perfect costume for the writer:
(Thanks Edo for the inspiration...)

Scheherazade (if you look sooper close you can see the book of "1,001 Nights ")

It was great...I did get a little weary of explaining myself at the bar later but overall this year's Halloween costume was a big thumb's up..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Did that make T a Sultan?

11/07/2005 8:25 PM  

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