Saturday, August 27

Weekends are for lovers...

Well, it worked for the state of Virginia but I guess not nearly so well here. As it looks like my plans to go paddling on the Trinity are rapidly going up in smoke I think I WILL clean the carpets this weekend and get that revision of Strange D-O-N-E.

On a delightful note: yesterday morning having finished the enormously fun reversal-fest info-dump that IS The DaVinci Code with half an hour of my morning reading time left, I shuffled into the kitchen to put water on for tea and there it was -- open laptop, crit manuscripts, pages of notes. I called myself "waiting for the water to boil" and worked out another 5 page of the ever growing tale that is Strange. I was almost late to work, but I had to MAKE myself turn computer off.

Dis is goooood, velly, velly goood...

Hit up the farmer's market this morning for honey and hummus ingredients. Also picked up some Spinach and Snap Pea starts for the garden. Now on to Piersons for more soil... yippe..

My phone uncroaked itself with a cry last night (something like Monty Python's "I'm not dead yet!") but still isn't quite right -- if ya know what I mean -- so I'll probably send it back anyway and play dumb about the fact that its suddenly making like it wants to live again.

The tale of the Zombie Phone....wooohahaaaaa...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zombie Phone? That's great, Eddie. Trademark the name quick! ; )

Good to hear that Strange is growing. Can't wait to see it.


8/30/2005 4:50 PM  

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