Monday, September 25

I'm writing, I'm really, really writing!

Okay so make that an edit/rewrite story I dug out of a trunk (literally: all my shit's in storage at the moment and I have to dig through piles to find ANYTHING)

For the record, this is actually the shortest story I have ever written -- thereby making it a short story, not a novelette. Working title (and you know how bad these are coming from me, so apologies in advance) "The Pickup"

Coming to a Miscue near you.

Other things under the pen:

Muchos, Muchos cover letters.

And reading:

I started the novel "Staying Dead" which is published on the Luna imprint of Harlequin, because I'm mildly interested to see what titles a romance publisher considers sf/fantasy with a romantic bent.

So far, I'm beginning to believe there is some truth to the idea that when mainstream (and other genres) publish something remotely sf/fantasy, it's decidedly behind in the been there, done that factor. The speculation being that because they haven't seen the "PI with magical/supernatural powers dealing with magical/supernatural cases" story done a hundred different ways they think anything in that category is interesting/exciting.

And it reads like a romance writer stuck some fantasy elements (tired, overdone fantasy elements) and called it done. Not even a very compelling "who done it."

I'm over it already and I'm on page 10.

Then again, who am I to crit? Nobody's publishing me yet.

Right, back to work.



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