Day 2 of NANOWRIMO: Word count 4,160 (Hey, I'm going for quantity, not quality here)
Actually the first bit has been in my head for a while, so it's been flowing pretty easily OUT of my head and onto the page. This year I'm trying a bit of a different strategy: planning.
Yes, that's right, you read it here first. The "inspiration and deadline" driven writer learns to plan. So with some basic math skills I have determined that 50,000 words puts me at about 10,000+ a week (I told you they were basic math skills) which is approximately one of my Clarion West stories. I was able to turn in one of those a week for six weeks (give or take) so I can certainly do this. After all, a full time job is NOT critting 3-4 stories a night, which is REAL WORK.
I've even broken my novel to be up into four major sections so that I can keep myself on a timeline for getting to the END of the novel, rather than just writing myself into a muddled middle. So I have a week (and a week's worth of words) to get through each section which will hopefully bring me to an END by the 30th.
I'm keeping this schedule regardless if I feel pulled sideways on a tangent in section two. I have promised to take detailed notes on said tangent and then plow forward. I'll go back and round up the strays at a later date.
And she's off!
And in the rarely serious department: Dearest Rachel, Wishing you peace and much love during this difficult time. My best to you! ((((hugs)))Labels: Write Yourself Out Of This One